This Listing

This listing does not claim to be all inclusive. Firstly, it covers only those surnames encountered in my research. Secondly, while I have tried to take into account every Mac and listed its corresponding Mc version I may not always have succeeded. Thirdly, with some names where I know of additional variants but have not noted any instances of these in my studies, I have omitted such additional versions.

The listing is intended as a simple aid to researchers. A fuller study would not only list the variant versions but would also indicate the type of variant, account for it, and give an explanation of the origins of each name. That would require a significant level of study and database creation. It is hoped that in later publications of my research work such details will be included but that is for another day.

I am also grateful to Adrian Stevenson, created of the Iregaz gazetteer for his input. One point particular he raised is worth mentioning here.

It is entirely possible that Surname A could be found to have as variants Surnames B, C and D. But it could be that the Surname B is never found to have Surname D as a variant. This study does not attempt to deal with such possibilities; that too is for another day.

In the meantime it is hoped that the present offering proves of interest and value to researchers. For instructions on use please click the Instructions Button on the menu.